Wednesday 19 April 2017

Task 10 - Distribution

  • Intro what is film distribution?
Film distribution is the process of making a film available for audiences to view it.
  • What is the distributor's role?
The role of a distributor is to make the film widely available to their target audience as well as to promote the film they are distributing.
  • What's a distribution plan?
This is plan created by the manufacturing departement of the company which outlines how they are going to make their film available to the consumers.
  • What's a P + A budget?
This is the sum of money allocated for a certain reason and the breakdown of known costs along with ways for how to keep them.
  • What is the average distribution cost for a big six film?
For a big six film it would be around $100-$200 million
  • What does the distribution budget include?
Music and effects, tracks, TV adverts, billboards, websites, artwork, a trailer and a movie theater release.
    • What is a simultaneous release?
    Simultaneous release is an experimental new method of making movies available to consumers. Traditionally, movies are released first in cinemas. A DVD release follows some months later.
    • What are some main distribution companies?
      • 20th Century Fox
      • Lionsgate
      • Paramount
      • Sony Pictures
      • Universal Pictures
      • Walt Disney
    • What do you think is the link between audiences and distribution?
    A distribution company will want to appeal to their target audience as best as possible, so for a film which has a teenagers as a target audience they will most likely want to distribute and promote their film on social media.
    • Define target market audience? What's audience positioning?
    A target market audience is the ideal audience which a film company will try to aim their film at.  Audience positioning is when all media text has a series of encoded signs and messages that the audience will figure out.
    • Why is the release date crucial?
    The release date for a film is cruicial this is becuase it will affect how much of your target audience will go to see the film or example a Disney film is going to be much more popular if it is releases in school holidays rather than in the middle of term.

    • What is self distribution?
    Self distribution is when the film maker distributes the film themselves without using a distribution company. 

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